Our Experiment Is Fragile, We Are Not Careful But We Have To Be Careful! By; Ibrahim Mead


Our Experiment Is Fragile, We Are Not Careful But We Have To Be Careful! By; Ibrahim Mead

Our nomadic culture has something to do with our peculiar Behavior when dealing with government and governance, Based on democratic system of government.


That confuses us a lot, most of the time, and we become victims of that.

For thirty years of our experiment, the democratic system of government that is. This time they put the nation in the most ugly situation of our making. We are experiencing unseen Acts which in fact borders sedition!

In this 2nd Republic, thirty, forty people were steering the pot.

Our political problems are these people. They are in this political party to day, and in this other party next day, and there they go round and round!

They became an entity by themselves.

They Metamorphosis into three.

They fight tooth and nail for the highest office of the land, in the most uncultivated  means and manner, whether they are qualified for that position or not, doesn’t matter!

They want to go there by any and all means, some times they transgress the limits of our experiment, the democratic system we chose.

Trashing the rule of law is one way they do unashamedly when they find the laws of the land is not on their side!

In that fighting tribalism is among the heavy weapons they use. In the heat of this political squabble they talk like there is no constitution and there is no laws in the land.

They advocate and invite trible elders to play the role of the governmental institutions, shutting off the constitution when ever this unlawful idiocy suites their end which is against the somaliland experiment.

Luckily here, the President of the Republic stood on his ground.

He didn’t waver, he stuck by the spirit and the letter of the law.

He defended the constitution he sworn upon and he is right in that. That is a win for the country.

In this ungodly war, who are the victims? Of course the people and the country are.

Who are the entities doing this undemocratic Acts? Ignorance is doing, but it is the people who are ignorant, arrogant, overzealous and unconscionable who are doing it.They call themselves politicians!

They are the same thirty people in a political merry-go-round in somaliland, for the last thirty years of this Republic

Each time one group takes over power the other cries foul and start threatening the state!

Each one has one weapon to fight and threaten the other.

The group who wins the office calls the other to respect the laws of the land and rightly so.

The opposition group threatens that they will blow-up the state by fragmenting the cohesion of the people and they play tribal for that end

Who suffers in this rudimentary, un conscienable  and crazy political war, mainly based on personal and tribal endeavors?! It is our experiment that suffers most. Democracy, the people and the country of course.

What is the solution and where will this come from? Again, it must come from the people.

How would the people do that?

1-Chose the most qualified and honesty people

2-Follow and abide by the constitution and the laws of the  land

3-Restraint calling, following, and igniting tribal sentiment to reach your end. ‘ the end justifies the means exercise’

4-When you are right, stand on your group.

5-change these archaic monopolistic, moral less failed existing political parties, or overwhole and reform them and not only that, we have to grow up.

Then we shall over come, inshallah

May Allah bless and protect somaliland.

BY; Mead’s point of view