Doontii Hubka kala duwan usoo waday Dalka Soomaaliya oo la qabtay+ Sawiro


Dooni nuuca kaluumeesiga ah oo hub kala duwan usoo waday dalka Soomaaliya ayaa lagu qabtay meel 300-KM ka baxsan Xeebaha dalka Cumaan, waxaana doonidan qabtay markab dagaal oo laga leeyahay dalka Australia.

Markabka dagaal ee laga leeyahay dalka Australia oo lagu magacaabo HMAS Darwin, ayaa ka shakiyay doonidan nuuca kaluumeesiga, waxa ayna ciidamdii saarnaa markabkaasi doonida qabteen iyagoona baaritaan kadib ka helay hub kala duwan.

Taliyaha Hawlgalladda Isku-dhafka ee Australia, Admiral David Johnston, ayaa sheegay in ciidankooda Badda ku guuleeseen in ay qabtaan dooni nuuca kaluumeesiga ah oo hub sharci daro ah u sida Soomaaliya.

Waxa uu sheegay Taliyaha in baadhis kadib ay doonidaasi ka heleen hub kala duwan ay kamid ahaayeen, 1989 qoryaha AK 47, 100 Gantaalladda laga tuuro Baasuukaha ama RBG, 49 qoryaha dabajeexa ah iyo Hoobiyayaal.

Kooxdii wadatay Doonta hubka sharci darada ah usoo waday Soomaaliya ayaa la sheegay in ay hubkaasi ku dhax qariyeen shabaagta kaluumeesiga, waxaana Soomaaliya qaab ganacsi loo keenaa hub sharci daro ah oo aysan Dowlada waxba kala socon .


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Weapons seized by HMAS Darwin from a small-arms smuggler boarded approximately 170 nautical miles off the coast of Oman.
Weapons seized by HMAS Darwin from a small-arms smuggler boarded approximately 170 nautical miles off the coast of Oman.
This Sept. 27, 2015 photo released by the U.S. Navy on Sept. 30, 2015, shows weapons and equipment confiscated from a dhow, aboard the deck of USS Forrest Sherman. A ship carrying illicit arms believed to be from Iran was intercepted last week off the southern Arabian Peninsula by a member of a U.S.-backed naval coalition and was not registered with any country, the U.S. Navy said Wednesday. The American description of the ship’s seizure conflicted in some instances with an earlier account provided by a separate Saudi-led coalition battling Yemen’s Shiite rebels, which claimed it had foiled the smuggling attempt. (Combined Maritime Forces photo via AP)
This Sept. 27, 2015 photo released by the U.S. Navy on Sept. 30, 2015, shows weapons and equipment confiscated from a dhow, aboard the deck of USS Forrest Sherman. A ship carrying illicit arms believed to be from Iran was intercepted last week off the southern Arabian Peninsula by a member of a U.S.-backed naval coalition and was not registered with any country, the U.S. Navy said Wednesday. The American description of the ship’s seizure conflicted in some instances with an earlier account provided by a separate Saudi-led coalition battling Yemen’s Shiite rebels, which claimed it had foiled the smuggling attempt. (Combined Maritime Forces photo via AP)
