Banka Wajale Is Not A No Man’s land. It Belongs To The Indigenous People Of Gabiley, It Is Not For Sale As The Minister Wrongly Eluded!


Banka Wajale Is Not A No Man’s land. It Belongs To The Indigenous People Of Gabiley, It Is Not For Sale As The Minister Wrongly Eluded!

They only shared with their government in time of need. It is time to be returned to the people, or otherwise let Gabiley municipality get a percentage of the return.

 This minister told us there is no order in this government. He likened it like the ‘wild west’ in America long time ago! Another blunder again. This time in wajale plains!

‘Banka wajale’ belongs to the indigenous people there, the Gabiley community.The government barrowed the land in a time of national need. It was supposed to return it back to the people with many thanks. They didn’t. It is already overdue! Now, with bold face, the minister want to rent the land which is his to other entities like it is his property, like it is his houses!

It was the local government of Gabiley to get a percentage from the beginning but it didn’t happen! Now this minister put wajale plains in the auction block! Renting the plains to the higher bidder!

The indigenous people, the Gabiley community had No say in this and No share in their land! That is illogic. That seems robbery.That is unacceptable. The government must return the land to their owners.

Would this guy or any

one in somaliland community allow the government use a piece of their tribal territory for national need like Gabiley did? The answer is emphatic No!

This is the second blunder this minister has done. What is he up to? Is this guy in fairness telling the truth all along?! What is going on?

And where is the president in this travesty?!

BY; Prof Ibrahim Mahamed Mead.